Get accurate worldwide holiday data for years 1-2100, in seconds
Holiday List saves you thousands of hours by aggregating holiday data from over 250 countries, 12,000 cities and 102 languages in one place, ready to be integrated into your app through a Restful API.
The most comprehensive local, public, and bank holidays data on internet
We invest significant amount of human and financial resources in updating and maintaining valid holiday points
CountriesHoliday List is a comprehensive database of holidays and observances you can add to your app.
States and citiesWe provide holiday data for thousands of States, Cities, and Provinces.
LanguagesWe support most languages from Spanish and German to Japanese and Urdu.
YearsWe provide both historical and future holiday data.
How it works
Sign up
Premium holiday data is accessible after signing up
Get an API key
Get an easy-to-follow API documentation which you can quickly integrate with your app.
Retrieve data
Start making requests to get the holiday data.
Holidays API that’s built for developers
Dates, weekdays, and holiday names
We provide a vast range of holiday data from public and international holidays to observances and religious holidays.
We prioritize quality over quantity
Buying generic holiday data might seem like a quick solution, but be ready for poor outcomes. At Holiday List, we never compromise on quality.
Ready to be integrated to your app
We have millions of holiday data points and they can be easily integrated into various platforms, including mobile applications, websites and other software apps.
Up-to-date data sets
Holiday data is a bread and butter for us and providing accurate data points is of high priority to us. That’s why we allocate hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in resources every month.
Performance and speed
Our latency-based DNS routing ensures that over 90% of all requests are processed in under 10 milliseconds.
Extensive language support
You can access data in over 104 different languages.
Improve your business operations, marketing strategies, and customer engagement with our Holiday Data API
Frequently asked questions
The most frequently asked questions from our clients, answered for you.
What is the Holiday List API?
The Holiday List API provides accurate and comprehensive holiday data for over 250 countries, 12,000 cities, and 102 languages. It aggregates this data into one place, making it easy to integrate into your applications.
How do I integrate the Holiday List API into my application?
Integration is simple and can be done using our RESTful API. Detailed documentation and sample code are available to help you get started quickly.
What data does the Holiday List API cover?
Our API covers holiday data from year 0 to 2100 for countries worldwide, including national, regional, and local holidays.
How often is the holiday data updated?
We invest significant human and financial resources to ensure our holiday data is regularly updated and maintained for accuracy and reliability.
Can I access holiday data for specific regions or cities?
Yes, our API allows you to access holiday data not just by country but also by specific regions and cities.
Is there a limit to the number of API calls I can make?
Our API plans come with various limits on API calls based on the subscription level. Please refer to our pricing page for detailed information.
What formats does the API support?
The Holiday List API supports JSON and XML formats for easy integration into different types of applications.
How can I get started?
Sign up on our website to get your API key and start integrating the Holiday List API into your applications. Our documentation provides step-by-step instructions to help you get started.